My Secret Guide to Developing Clean Consistent Code Vue.JS: Tips and Tricks

F5 Studio
3 min readJul 30, 2018


Vue.JS is a fun ecosystem for any developer who understands it. Whether you are using it on a professional project, or just poking in and around it for fun, working with Vue.JS supersedes other frameworks in various ways. Nevertheless, your project will only be impressive if the quality of your code is undiluted and achieves the highest level of excellence possible. So then here are some tips and trick that I have come to value when working with Vue.js.

Use Vuex To Organize Your Work

Coding a project benefits a lot if you manage your tasks centrally. Vuex and its alternatives give your work structure by incorporating a framework set up that drastically improves how your apps are organized. This is an incredible tool especially for complex projects since it gives you a vivid picture of how data is being passed around in your project.

JS Lint Helps You Flag Out Bugs

Lint tools are incredibly useful in helping you identify nonportable constructs that more often than not are bugs in your code. Most reputable integrate development environments (IDEs) have inbuilt lint. In case you are unfamiliar with using the lint on our IDE, try jslint — it is an invaluable tool that helps developer maintain the quality of their code.

Use $watch To Get Updates About Changes in Data

If you have been working in React.js, switching to Vue.js presents one prominent challenge in its lifecycle hooks. This is because unlike React.js, Vue.js lacks a componentDidUpdate lifecycle. So then how can a developer working in Vue.js tell when there are changes to data which, for instance, is essential when creating a chat app? Simply use Vue.js’ $watch to scan different values and get notified when they change.

Use HTML Custom Attribute to Reduce Backend Http Requests

When Vue.js applications start, they send in data from the server side, i.e. your API or backend. Consequently, you can easily use HTML custom attribute as a trick to reduce the HTTP request. Do this by inserting the server side rendered data as a custom attribute.

Do Not Overdo It in Your Vue.JS Lifecycle Hooks

The lifecycle hook code generally sets up your entire system. This code is predominantly used to make calls to the server and to make plugins or integrate third-party libraries, e.g. chart.js or c3. Therefore, there’s absolutely no need to add on to this, and in case you find yourself doing it, take a step back and reassess your code.

Have A Well-Defined Order for All Component Properties

Developers have no hard and fast rules that pertain to ordering the properties for the components in Vue.js. Nevertheless, it is highly convenient for a professional web developer to have the properties ordered in a manner that makes it easy for him or her to find stuff even in the unfortunate event of an IDE collapse. Conventionally, it is best if one followed the component lifecycle when creating a guideline for ordering properties.

Use Mixins

In addition to keeping code components lighter, mixins is a terrific utility for making reusable code. Mixins are most effective when they are simple and solely focused on the single task at hand. Larger mixins may, however, be created for many utility codes that will be used in most components.

Be Cautious with How You Use Vue.set

It’s a common occurrence for developers coming to Vue.js from React.js to use Vue.set to reset arrays. While there are rare occasions when this works out perfectly, most of the time it just isn’t right. Therefore, before turning to Vue.set, first try to use splice and push for your arrays and always have your state declared from the get-go.

The Wrap Up

In my experience, I have found that coding is somewhat heuristic. As you grow as a developer, you get to learn novel ways of getting work done fast and efficiently. Nevertheless, by following the tips laid out in this article you are going to end up with a clean and consistent code for every project you undertake in Vue.js.

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